West of the Town

Sunday, 21 April 2013

After the move

Moving day has come and gone. And thanks to our friends we got through it and are out the other side.
The other side is our cottage that we have not seen for about 3 months. And it is blooming! The tulips appear to have self-seeded. It is warm and very much like home.
More pictures are going on the internet now. It is a slow link so it could be some while. When they are there it will be at this address: "Home Again"
Yesterday I went home on the Versailles train. I was not sure if this was a joke or not, because I had seen an email showing a train decorated like the inside of the palace. But suddenly I realised I was in it - in the library to be precise. Here is a picture (not good quality), just to prove the point.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Paris transport

I have experienced travelling in Paris by car, it can be dreadful. I overheard one man this morning describe his daughter as taking 90 minutes to go 6km (4 miles). I realised that my 24km in the same time the other day was relatively good.

So the local hospital has a serious problem to solve. Today on my walk home (to the hôtel) I saw that the hospital also had a serious solution.

In the picture you can see the ambulance "car park" ("samu parking" in French). There were some more conventional vehicles in the background, but this department at least is well prepared.

Funny enough that this is the first time I have noticed it. Perhaps it has always been in use at other times?!
