West of the Town

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Paris on holiday.

The duck has arrived with a small pot of delicious whole grain mustard, I eat nearly the whole pot!
There is a piano accordion playing near by, and I am outside in the streets of Paris in the shade by a popular by backstreet restaurant.

It is hot, but nice in the shade. The wine is red, the water sparkling and cold. I am just a short walk from Notre Dame on the Isle de la Cité and I can't remember if I crossed a bridge or of I am still on the island - crossed to the rive gauche I think. 
A shaky snapshot with my iPhone
But best of all, the snapshot registered the location.
The "Latin Quarter". I will be back.
The restaurant is full of French families and the place is busy. This is Paris on holiday. It's lovely. 

Ps Just afterwards I stumbled on some street dancers. So I have uploaded a video or 2 to YouTube (quite adventurous for me) for you to see the fun-in-the-sun.

http://youtu.be/e9mY1HPVyfw  Small video, 2m 40s

http://youtu.be/9rYtvoK2xBU     Larger video, 4min long *
* My internet is very slow. Please let me know if these work for you or not. Thanks.


Envoyé de mon iPhone
Clément restaurant location