And what better place for a party than the beach? There are people from 3 church locations gathered together. The furthest, Reserva in the mountains, has special transport for everyone. A truck with chairs has been hired for the occasion.
People gather under the shade of canvas strung between the beach huts, or under the leafy tree at the side. There was a time of worship followed by prepared pieces. Each group has prepared something. The children a dance, the mums too a little later, the youth sing, others dance or sing. Each church group has presentations.
The preaching is brief, an encouragement to know and express Jesus. That new lifestyle chosen by the baptism candidates. Then 6 are baptised in the sky-blue sea.
Well the sea was blue and wonderfully warm, but the on-shore wind had made the waves rather large. Several were "baptised" as they walked out from the shore, the formal baptism moment being carefully chosen in the full water after a wave.
Then food for all and an afternoon of games, usually with prizes. There was the pot-smashing made difficult by a blindfold and the need to walk to the swinging pot. Mean while several small boys were trying to climb the greasy pole to win the 500 pesos set as a flag on the top. The winner was an older man who used sand to improve his grip!
Married couples competed in the 3-legged race, it helps to be close! A sack race for different age groups, the teenagers in a relay, and musical chairs (a trip to Jerusalem) for the mums who proved to be a very competitive lot.
There were other games too, and I can't be sure I have the order right! With the games finished, time for another snack followed by a gift exchange and clothes giveaway (adults and teenagers) made possible by gifts from a French church.
And at last time to depart, once everyone had helped to clear the site. Today there was more than usual to clear as we had made the first use of the audio equipment also sent by the same French church. It was used all day and was thoroughly appreciated.
So the lorry departed with its load of people, the assistant pastor with his tricycle of audio equipment, and us too with much less luggage now the prizes, presents, and clothing had been distributed to all.
Incredibly everyone of the 3 congregations received something.
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