This Saturday I could see an odd-looking vehicle the other side of the square from where I live. The side flap was down at first and it in the distance it looked like it said "life savers" which in French is much like "tastes of the grill"; which is what it really said. With France still on its emergency status, and with elections 2 days away, I think the error was understandable.
I wondered if the old style of the van was a disguise.
And what is the thing on the top of the van? From my flat, it looked rather like an early form of Google camera. Close up, it turned out to be a grill vent, not life-saving spy technology.
By the time I got out and walked round it, the side flap was open for lunch. There was no mistaking its purpose now! The flag outside, and tag inside the windscreen says it is from Portugal. It's a long way from home.
Just round the corner there are stalls and market places all about the garden. Very arty but all being set up as I passed.
It is still a state of emergency according to the government.
According to the people of France, it is business as usual.