West of the Town

Monday, 31 August 2020

Fishing day

We have two small fishing lakes; ponds to us but Clare says that gives totally the wrong idea. So we have a larger small fishing lake and a smaller small fishing lake. 

Neither has been fished for months. 

So today there was some fishing with long nets. Marlon, aided by Jaimie, fished the larger lake in the morning. We collected and counted fish and Marjorie processed enough for lunch. 

We are 9 for lunch. In addition to those mentioned, Jasmine and Honey stayed last night, Mary-Chris came with her father, and Lyn returned from her day off. 

The fish you see are sea going shrimp scad (also known as the slender yellowtail kingfishand how they got in our lake is a mystery. I suppose it was when the river flooded. Anyway they were the first 3 fish out of the net and were received with some enthusiasm. "300 pesos a kilo" I was told, when 120 pesos is more usual for lesser fish. 

What we were hoping for were tilapia and the first lake yielded over 50. There were also several similar but more bony fish and 2 mudfish. 

Our small freezer won't take anything like that quantity but the fishermen will have some as will our near relatives. 

This afternoon will include sorting out the fish and preparing them as well as some net maintenance ready for next time. 

The picture is heic format. If you need to, you can convert it to jpg at https://heictojpg.com/ 

End of day total 85 tilapia from the 2 ponds. 

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Beach junk

We went for a walk along the beach this morning. There had been a storm and the beach was strewn with rubbish like bottles (both plastic and glass), shoes that looked new, bamboo and wood, even children's toys. And rolling in the surf, loads of coconuts. 

Some coconuts were washed up high on the beach, others were still being rolled by the waves. The one in the photo was close to where we swim and it was particularly big. 

When we looked closer, it was already sprouting so, heavy as it was, we carried it home and one day we will plant it. 

For now though it has been washed in fresh water, placed in the shade and over the next days it will be doused with water. The shoot should grow tall and when it does it can be planted. 

But it's a long term project. It can talke 20 years before it produces coconuts of its own. 

Terence Westoby
