West of the Town

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Animal flying friends

Dubai. I am transferring to my next flight but there is a 4hr gap. It's 11:30pm for me but in Dubai, 2:30am.

At last the gate shows our flight but there is no one there to 'process' us. Then a stewardess arrives and busies herself behind the counter.

The crowd grow restless.

Like animals at feeding time, they approach the keeper. They prowl, they wait. Instinctively they know they cannot hurry her. Like a troop of baboons they mill around together. Slowly a hierarchy emerges with the dominant animals to the front.

Other animals, not of this breed, pass by unconcerned. Then an ambulance vehicle passes with injured animals aboard. One of them, apparently female, is wrapped in black bandages, only her eyes showing.

The keeper brings out the food. She brings order expertly to the baboon troop who queue to receive their ration. The keeper has a uniform, but the rest are just natural.

I join the queue. I am just one of the animals.

The photo, by the way, has nothing to do with this.

I hope you can see a plane, the black shape of which is outlined by the lights as it comes into land. How did I take this picture?

There is a tail camera on my plane into Dubai, an A380, and this is the view on my screen. You can watch yourself land! If you can see the front of the plane, my seat is just a little back on the left. I got a glimpse into the cockpit before we set off, a bewildering array of lights and displays. It was easier to fly using the tail camera.

And now I wait for the second flight. If it too has internet, I will send this off to you today.


Envoyé de mon iPhone

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