West of the Town

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Stuck in the Hotel Room

This morning there was a knock on my hotel room door. The maid is early, I thought and I called out that I was indisposed. Why does this always happen when you are in the bathroom?

But the knocking persisted and so I made myself decent and answered the door. It was the proprietor. He told me the problem in Spanish so I understood only bit by bit that the neighbour was stuck in his room.

There is a communicating door (picture) for which the proprietor had brought the wrong key. He tried the balcony. My neighbour wanted to climb over into my room but he was dissuaded. The right key was found and his room accessed.

I could hear the proprietor showing how to use the next door room's door. It worked fine. Having assured my neighbour he could leave whenever he wanted, the proprietor replaced my furniture and expressed his amazement at the problem. He showed me that even if I deadlock the door, it still opened from the inside with one pull of the handle. "For emergencies"- I understood that much.

He indicated his opinion of my neighbour using a finger to his head, then he shook my hand for being understanding and was gone. Peace reigns again in my hotel room.


Envoyé de mon iPhone

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