West of the Town

Sunday 13 February 2011

Communication day

Today has been marked by communications. In the morning I gave my first 'word' in the church at Jarnac. This church encourages the congregation to contribute prayers, prophesies and similar things during the worship. One aspect of this is the use of 'tongues' for which it is expected that there will be an 'interpretation'. Well I have taken part in these things before but here in France, I was reluctant to do so in the French language in front of a French congregation. Still, it is not usually just my choice anyway!
But to the point. This morning a tongue was given and the pastor specifically asked for the interpretation. I knew I had it, but only the first 2 words, "soit benis". It can be like that. You get the rest only after you start. I plucked up courage and went for it. A simple word and timorously given because I knew my grammatical errors would all be spotted immediately!
After the meeting, the man in front, who I have heard prophesy quite often, turned to me and encouraged me. The prophets judge the prophesy, and he told me I was in step with the Spirit of the meeting. He "was greatly encouraged" and so was I!
And the Jon's Skype was back on and we could talk at last. Quite important as he and Hina had planned to come over within a week. We had problems communicating for this reason and because his email was sending spam. So at last we could talk again- apparently a stoic work on Hina's part to restart the Skype aspect of the phone. They proposed coming later but the phone cut off before I could reply.
Before I could chat to June about Jon and Hina, my mother rang. She chatted until 'skating on ice' started. I took my chance and replied to Jon.
We had an email (via Facebook) from Sean. This, it appears, is a rare event. Good to hear from Thiland.
And now John Gasson, June's brother, called with news of her sister. Incredibly she has married an Egyptian waiter over 40 years her junior. I will wait for confirmation of this before I add it to the family tree! June is currently communicating this news to her son Andy.
John also told us he is planning a 3 day celebration for his 60th birthday.

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